Tag Archives: stigma

Sticks and Stones

Sticks and stones may break my bones but words can never hurt me. What a lie. A whistling in the dark, wishful thinking, lalalalala with my fingers in my ears bold-faced lie. Who among us has not been hurt by … Continue reading

Posted in Mental Health - Commentary and Recovery

Lynn’s TEDx Emory Talk – April 20, 2013

I have had mental health issues for most of my life and have been “in therapy” for 30 years. I checked myself into three different mental institutions between 2000 and 2010. In those 30 years, I heard a lot of … Continue reading

Posted in Mental Health - Commentary and Recovery, Uncategorized


I wrote a post sometime around March 22, 2013 and posted it, feeling good about my stinging rhetoric advocating against a particular group with whose position I disagree.  A week later, I decided on stigma about mental health as my … Continue reading

Posted in Mental Health - Commentary and Recovery